Tag Archives: Coffee

Kape. Mainit.

downloadAte Pam, my eldest sister who has been based in Japan more than half her life seems to be slowly losing her command of the Philippine language. She would sometimes tell me, “Naiwan ang Ketai sa Kruma.” Naiwan ang celphone sa kotse. Last year, she was ordering a cup of coffee in Jollibee and she said, “Miss. Kape. Isa.” “Ma’am ano po?” asked the waitress. “Kape. Isa. Mainit.” Barok na?

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Posted by on June 21, 2015 in It's All Relative


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Coffee Prince

Have you tried making coffee for your guests in a corporate meeting? Well… I have.

We don’t have an officeboy, to run errands for us, so one time, when guests arrived for a meeting in our office, I had no choice but to make the coffee for them. I didn’t quite hear what they requested because they all spoke at the same time: “Black.” “With sugar.” “Without sugar.” “With milk!”

So when I came to the pantry, I didn’t know what to do so I just prepared black coffees with sugar. Bahala na!

After I served the coffee, It didn’t hit me that I’ll be included in that meeting. I was quite embarrassed when they were sipping the coffee that I made while eyeing me as if saying, “This is not what I asked for!?”

coffee prince

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Posted by on June 17, 2009 in Work Anecdotes

