Killer Smile

I usually go home during lunchtime back in 1st year high school. Of course I do the thing that I usually do. Eat lunch, watch a few TV, brush my pearly white teeth and go back to school. All done in just an hour.

But there was a particular incident that I’ll never forget.

After brushing my pearly white teeth I hurriedly grabbed my bag and went back to school. Flagged down a tricycle to school and paid him. At school, everybody was staring me. So I just smiled back at them. What is happening to the world? Is the class geek now a school celebrity? Then I realized it was just a stare. Silly me.

Right on time for school, my seatmate immediately asked me “Orlando, ano yang nasa pisngi mo?” Rubbing it off immediately, I realized a big chunk of toothpaste was on it.

So that’s why I was feeling refreshed (minty fresh).


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