Tag Archives: Adele Live at the Royal Albert Hall

Christmas with Adele Live at the Royal Albert Hall

Christmas day 2011,  I decided to watch Adele’s Live Concert at the Royal Albert Hall DVD.

I found Adele very relaxed and funny with her spiels. We, also, cannot deny the fact that she is an amazing singer. My friends and I here in Dubai are really crossing our fingers that she comes here and perform soon enough. We’ll be first in line to buy the tickets.

Ronald watched along and he told me, “Bilib talaga ako d’yan kay Adele.”
“Sa pag-i-Ingles?”  I guessed.
“Oo. Saka yung accent n’ya. Napakahusay,” he admitted.
“Akala ko naman sa pagkanta!”

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Posted by on December 25, 2011 in Dubai Friends


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